Address and Phone Number Verification

Phone number and address verification investigations are common client requests here at Peak Investigations, based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Finding a valid information listing for a person can be relatively easy in today’s technological world.  Most people simply go to their nearest web browser and type in the name and number and Wala!  This is fast and sometimes produces unexpectedly good results.

However, what if your subject doesn’t want to be found?  Or, what if they changed cell phone carriers and got a new phone number?  Many people prefer to keep their personal contact information private and unlisted for general consumption.  It is much harder to perform a cell phone number search than a landline search.

Reasons For A Phone and Address Verification.

There is an unlimited number of reasons to confirm information.  A few more common reasons are listed.

  1. To confirm the information on a resume for employment.
  2. To locate an important business contact.
  3. To start the process of any litigation, both civil and criminal.
  4. To find witnesses.
  5. To find loved ones.
  6. To find birth parents.
  7. To confirm the identity of the “other person” in an infidelity case.

If you cannot find a phone number for an individual on your own, you may consider hiring Peak Investigations.  We have access to databases that are restricted to licensed private investigators.

These databases are much more accurate and up to date than the databases that anyone can access online without a private investigator license.

In summary, finding a phone number or address using a professional investigator at Peak Investigations may be the most efficient way to get the information you need.

Contact Peak Investigations for all your investigation needs.