Hiring a new employee is always a gamble. Is this person right for the job? Will this person be reliable and perform the task I need? Will hiring this person work out or will I be looking for another in a few months. You want your business to succeed and grow. Having good and reliable employees is a vital part of your business and its growth. 

The interview process is what it is but finding the right employee can be a challenge. If you want to be sure about your selection you may want to have a background check done.

Information you may find out about job applicants could be money owed, i.e. significant debt issues, criminal backgrounds, or unrevealed aliases. a background investigator will also check for discrepancies on the employee’s resume, his/her skill set, and background. Any of these discrepancies could lead to employee fraud.   

Many times, there are instances where current employees aren’t as forthcoming as they should be. Investigators at  www.PeakInvestigations.US , based in Phoenix are skilled in finding instances of employee theft and worker’s compensation fraud.

A series of surveillance and accounting measures can uncover fraud and theft in your business. A deep dive into the social media of the subject in question can reveal an amazing amount of information.

If you or your company has suspected or has had any issues with theft or fraud, or any other issue, call us today for a free confidential consultation.